ZDMP Project
ZDMP aims at providing an extendable platform for supporting factories with a high interoperability level to cope with the concept of connected factories to reach the zero defects goal. In this context, ZDMP will allow end-users to
connect their systems to benefit from the features of the platform. ZDMP has received funding from the European Union’s Horizont 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 825631.
RAIZED Sub-Project
Quality control is essential for a manufacturing company to develop a sustainable business, not only from an environmental point of view but also socially and economically. Thus, it is essential to facilitate integrating a platform such as ZDMP in
industrial facilities where existing software can do that. This project aims to integrate RAILES platform responsible for making some functionalities on the shop floor with ZDMP. RAILES can be used to extract data and send it to ZDMP.
RAIZED architecture
Technology Provider
Muvu is a Portuguese company specializing in software development based on Industry 4.0. One of its flagship products is RAILES, a Smart MES that use cutting-edge technologies, such as, Cloud Computing, AI, IoT, and big data to transform meaningful data from machines into powerful knowledge to increase the levels of decision making.
VIPEX is a Portuguese company focused in co-developing with customers, industrializes and manufactures durable plastic products. VIPEX develop their products in plastic materials who need partners for their design, development and production.