KITT4SME Project

KITT4SME (platform-enabled KITs of arTificial intelligence FOR an easy uptake by SMEs) specifically targets European SMEs and mid-caps to provide them with scope-tailored and industry-ready hardware, software and organisational kits,
delivered as modularly customisable digital platform, that seamlessly introduce artificial intelligence in their production systems. KITT4SME is a Horizon 2020 project (952119) supported by the European Union.
AI4MOS Sub-Project
AI4MOS Architecture


Technology Provider
Muvu is a Portuguese company specializing in software development based on Industry 4.0. One of its flagship products is RAILES, a Smart MES that use cutting-edge technologies, such as, Cloud Computing, AI, IoT, and big data to transform meaningful data from machines into powerful knowledge to increase the levels of decision making.

Sitecna is a Portuguese company with more than 35 years of experience in the injection and thermoforming of plastics. Sitecna offers technical and packaging solutions, exclusive and totally adapted to the clients’ expectations.
AI4MOS Sub-Project Plan